Thursday, November 25, 2004

  • Caillois vs. Garneau

    The qualities of games and play include:

    The need to prove one’s superiority
    The desire to challenge, make a record, or merely overcome an obstacle
    The hope for and the pursuit of the favour of destiny
    Pleasure in secrecy, make-believe or disguise
    Fear or the inspiration of fear
    The search for repetition and symmetry, or in contrast, the joy of improvising, inventing or infinitely varying solutions
    Solving a mystery or riddle
    The satisfaction procured from all arts involving contrivance
    The desire to test one’s strength/skill/speed/endurance/equilibrium/ingenuity
    Conformity to rules/laws, the duty to respect them, and the temptation to circumvent them
    The intoxication, longing for ecstasy and the desire for voluptuous panic

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