Thursday, January 18, 2007


This one is worth 10% of your final grade - it's an easy way to get off to a good start or an excellent chance to start digging that hole.

Each group will give a ten minute presentation on game mechanics. The first five minutes or so should be spent on an overview and analysis of the analog and digital games played in the first two weeks of class. The last five minutes should focus on a game mechanic they will build as part of their next course deliverable. Please have an alternate game mechanic in mind in case we need to redirect your project.

Students should cross-reference these mechanics against the triangle of interaction and Garneau's 14 forms of fun. Be able to talk in detail about why these mechanics are fun. Don't phone it in - I mark hard.

Also, be wise and think ahead a bit: ask yourselves what you want to build as the central "engine" of your digital game... this will ultimately need to be conceived in ActionScript or Java, etc.

Questions? Just ask.


Anonymous said...

Hey Matt, Drew here from team Sesquipedalophobia.

Since we are a team of 3, we were figuring 2 games each. And then a breakdown of our .. projected project mechanic. (pun SO intended)

So 6 games, possibly 6-12 mechanics. Does that sound reasonable? I'm sure we can bang through them quite quickly in 5 minutes.

Matt Toner said...

Drew - sure... but make sure you do a dry run. Five minutes can go by fast.